Sunday, 6 July 2014

Advantages and disadvantages of Oral communication .

Oral communication has its advantages as well as disadvantages. Some of its advantages are-
(i) Oral words and speech have greater power than the written word. A powerful speaker can convince and sway people's opinions and arguments especially in an oral dialogue or group discussion.
(ii) It saves time. Oral communication is a face-to-face dialogue. which can be conducted anytime and anywhere and so it saves a lot of time. lt is especially useful when immediate action is required.
(iii) It saves money Written communication is costlier oral than communication especially when large groups within an organisation are involved.
(iv) It is easier to communicate orally especially, amongst large groups of people. Conferences, committees and meetings can be called and on communication with a large group can be easily carried on.
(v) Oral communication enables one to get immediate feedback and also respond accordingly The speaker receives an immediate response to one's communication and can thus answer the receivers queries and clarify his doubts.
(vi) oral communication by virtue ofbeing a dialogue is less formal than written communication. This can help in building personal relations and brings about openness between the speaker and receiver.
Oral communication has cerain disadvantages too. They are;
(i) Oral communication does not constitute written record and as such, have no legal validity.They cannot be referred to in cases ofdispute.
(ii) oral communication is highly unsuitable for lengthy and detailed messages.

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