The characteristics of computer are as follows-
(i) Speed - computer is a very fast device. It can perform in a few seconds the amount of work that a human being can do in an entire year. A computer can add and subtract numbers, compare letters to determine alphabetic sequence, move and copy numbers and letters. The speed varies from a few microseconds to nanoseconds.
(ii) Accuracy - Computer are very accurate. They can perform their hundreds of thousands of operation with great accuracy as their circuits have no machanical parts to wear and malfunction.
(iii) Reliability- Computer output is generally very reliable, subject to the condition that the input data entering the computer should be correct and the program of intructions should be reliable and correct. Incorrect input data and unreliable programs give us computer error and wrong results.
(iv) Storage capacity - Various computer media can store millions of character of data in a condensed form.
(v) Intangible benefits - There are many companies that utilize computers for intangible benefits such as flexibility, ability to accomodate growth and the psychological factor that may give them a competitive edge in attracting consumers to buy their products or services.
(vi) Reduction cost - The cost of computer equipment has dropped drastically over the years.
(vii) Diligence - A computer is free from monotony, tiredness, lack of concentration, etc. And hence can work for hours together without creating any error and without grumbling.
(viii) Versatility - Versatility is one of the most wonderful feature about the computer. It is preparing the result of particular examination, the next moment it is busy for preparing electricity bills.
Computer Limitations - The computer is one of the most powerful tools ever developed. The man who was treated for pneumonia and then charged by the hospital's computer for the use of the delivery room and nursery. Such " computer failures" may be amusing. But most such foul-ups happed because people fail to consider some basic computer limitations. Without reliable programs and sounds logic, no computer system will perform adequately.
(i) Speed - computer is a very fast device. It can perform in a few seconds the amount of work that a human being can do in an entire year. A computer can add and subtract numbers, compare letters to determine alphabetic sequence, move and copy numbers and letters. The speed varies from a few microseconds to nanoseconds.
(ii) Accuracy - Computer are very accurate. They can perform their hundreds of thousands of operation with great accuracy as their circuits have no machanical parts to wear and malfunction.
(iii) Reliability- Computer output is generally very reliable, subject to the condition that the input data entering the computer should be correct and the program of intructions should be reliable and correct. Incorrect input data and unreliable programs give us computer error and wrong results.
(iv) Storage capacity - Various computer media can store millions of character of data in a condensed form.
(v) Intangible benefits - There are many companies that utilize computers for intangible benefits such as flexibility, ability to accomodate growth and the psychological factor that may give them a competitive edge in attracting consumers to buy their products or services.
(vi) Reduction cost - The cost of computer equipment has dropped drastically over the years.
(vii) Diligence - A computer is free from monotony, tiredness, lack of concentration, etc. And hence can work for hours together without creating any error and without grumbling.
(viii) Versatility - Versatility is one of the most wonderful feature about the computer. It is preparing the result of particular examination, the next moment it is busy for preparing electricity bills.
Computer Limitations - The computer is one of the most powerful tools ever developed. The man who was treated for pneumonia and then charged by the hospital's computer for the use of the delivery room and nursery. Such " computer failures" may be amusing. But most such foul-ups happed because people fail to consider some basic computer limitations. Without reliable programs and sounds logic, no computer system will perform adequately.
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