Sunday, 29 July 2012

Multimedia and Animation

Computers can be used to integrate two or more types of media, such as text, graphics, image, audio, and video, for the purpose of generation, storage, representation, manipulation ans access of multimedia information. Multimedia is one of the most commonly used terms in entertainment industry, which produces various entertainment products such as movies and video games.

Computer animation deals with the generation, sequencing, and display of a set of images to create an effect of visual change or motion, similar to a movie film (video). Animation is an important component of multimedia, because just as a picture is a powerful way to illustrate information, a small animation clip is even more powerful and useful for illustrating concepts, which involve movement.
For example, in the multimedia application meant for educating small children, an animation clip will be very effective in illustrating the difference in the movment of a horse during a gallop versus a walk. Several movies and advertisements now contain many visual tricks, which could never be accomplished without the aid of computers. For example, if you carefully watch the advertisements for detergent soaps/powders, toothpastes, insecticides for mosquitoes and cockroaches, etc., you will notice avenge in them, which cannot be videographed. These scenes are produced by using computer animation.

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