Wednesday 12 June 2013

Some important consideration to keep in mind while dealing with oral communication.

For effective oral communication one needs to keep certain considerations in mind.The essentials of oral communication are -
(i) The speaker should have clear pronunciation. Oral messages are liable to be misunderstood if the speaker does not articulate words properly or speak distinctly or speak with an accent, Therefore, it is essential that the speaker makes the correct sounds and stresses the exact syllables.
(ii) The message should be brief and concise. Verbal messages can be misunderstood if the speaker talks too much and rambles about the on concerned topic. There is danger of losing the listener's attention and the risk of being misunderstood. Therefore effective oral communication requires the speaker to be brief and concise and yet clear and complete. The speaker should neither talk too much nor talk too little.
(iii) The message or idea to be communicated should be well thought out carefully While communicating orally, it is carried and planned. easy get get away and also forget what one intends to It is essential therefore the say that speaker should prepare in advance, whatever he or she intends o communicate and verbalize his or her message in a logical, ordered sequence.
(iv) To communicate effectively, the speaker also have a good should vocabulary. The appropriate words should be used to convey the correct meaning. Inadequate or inappropriate vocabulary will give the listener incorrect and confusing meaning. A good vocabulay also holds the listener's attention and makes communication interesting. The speaker should also avoid using slang words and cliches while speaking.
(v) In oral communication, the tone of the speaker is as important as the words.There are three intonation patterns, viz. rising falling pitch and pitch, dividing pitch. It is imporant to use the correct pitch and capture the interest of the listener For example, ifa boss is scolding his subordinate but his is not tone authoritative enough the employee will not take the scolding seriously.
(vi) And lastly, for effective oral communication, the speaker should have self-confidence and should be able to speak with conviction. A speaker may have good ideas and rich vocabular, but if one lacks confidence, one will be unable to communicate effectively. Therefore, to listener convince the and put across one's ideas one needs to be full on confidence.
If one keeps the above-mentioned considerations in mind, oral If communication will become easy and effective.

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