Tuesday 11 June 2013

What are Advantages and disadvantages of linked list ?

Advantages of linked list: Linked list have many advantages Some of them are as follows,
1) Linked list are dynamic data structure ie. they can grow or shink durng the progam execution.
2) Utilization of memory ::In linked list memory is not preallocated Memory is allocated as per requirement and it is deallocated when it is no longer needed.
3) The insertion and deletion opertions are easier and effective Linked list provides fexibility in inserting a data item at a specifed position and deletion of data item from the given position.
4) Many complex applications can be easily carried out with the help of linked list.

Disadvantages of linked list:
1) It requires more memory whenever the number of fields are more. so more memory space needed.
2) We cannot access any element directly For that we must start from  first node and traverse upto matching node.  So  it is little bit complicated and time consuming.

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